YAS News - Week 11, Term 1 2022
A note from the Principal
Thank you for your support, flexibility and patience as we navigated unprecedented times where we were dealing with changing covid regulations and student and staff absences. Staff have worked hard to keep routines and learning as normal as possible and demonstrated great flexibility supporting each other as we managed staff absences due to the pandemic.
I hope all the students and families that have come down with covid are recovering well.
As I walked around the school on Wednesday afternoon we had some very excited students. The Reception to Year 2 students were participating in an Easter egg hunt, Mr Currie’s Year 6/7 class were laughing and enjoying an inside ball game and Ms Barry’s Year 8/9 students were racing around the school solving an Easter quiz ... they were all having so much fun!
Next term we have a busy week 2. Monday week 2 we have a Student Free Day where staff will be trained in Brightpath which is an online assessment tool to support our school's focus on writing improvement.
Naplan will also take place in week 2 from Tuesday May 10th – Friday 13 for students in Years 3,5,7 & 9.
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on Wednesday 11th May. There will be a BBQ in the school quadrangle at 5:30pm, followed by our AGM at 6:00pm. This will be a good opportunity to meet our School Leadership Team who will be sharing some 2021 successes. Everyone is welcome!
Reports will be given to all students that are present today, and we will mail out reports to students that are absent.
As I say goodbye again I would like to thank you for welcoming me back and wish Christine a smooth and successful Term 2.
Happy Easter everyone, and happy holidays.
Warmest wishes, Sonia
A note from our Pastoral Care Worker
The history of hot cross buns is a bit fuzzy, but they likely date back to the Middle Ages. Many believe that monks first developed hot cross buns in the 1300s, then distributed them to feed the poor.
Crosses have long been a symbol of death / sacrifice. Eggs are symbolic of new life.
Hot cross buns are traditionally eaten on Good Friday and Easter eggs on Easter Sunday to acknowledge the Christian message of Easter.
No matter what foods are prepared and served, Easter is a time to celebrate life with friends and family around the table.
After the busyness of Term 1, let’s hope next term is less hectic.
My admiration goes out to you, the families that have stayed the course and journeyed with us this term. I also want to acknowledge the amazingly skilled and dedicated educators that have faithfully helped steer the YAS ship this term.
Have a happy, healthy and safe Easter holiday break.
Blessings, Wendy Lindsay (PCW)
If your child is unwell and tests positive to COVID-19, please ensure that you call Yankalilla Area School to report their absence.
If you have other children who attend Yankalilla Area School, they are also required to isolate for 7 days. If, during the isolation period, they also test positive to COVID-19, please ensure you call Yankalilla Area School.
We are required to report all COVID-19 positive cases to the Department for Education.
The safety and wellbeing of our students and staff are paramount so we doing everything we can to minimise the risk of transmission in our community.
If you child is unwell, please keep them at home until they have recovered.
6-7 Rotation Art
We have been looking at the art of Australian artist Brad Eastman, or Beastman. He is well known for murals that feature geometric and organic designs, using different colour harmonies.
We created our own mural designs using symmetrical images on paper first and worked our which colour harmonies we would use. Our murals will soon feature in the Middle School strip, adding some more colour to the area.
Integrated Learning - Drama Year 10
Students are putting the final touches on their titere (Mexican) puppet heads and completing their puppet dictionaries. Can you guess who these characters are?
Next term, we will be collaboratively creating a puppeting experience to share with the junior school as part of Connections with the community.
8-9 Rotation Art
The 8/9s are nearing the end of their unit focusing on the art of Australian artists Rachael Sarra and Ken Done, and how they connect colour and culture. We have all sorts of final artworks, ranging from magazine collages to dot painting.
They will write their practitioner statements and we will display some of these vibrant artworks around the school.
Museum Open Day
The local museum is having an open day on Wednesday May 11 (Week 2 Term2). If you don’t know the Museum is located at the Visitors Centre alongside the skate park about 200 metres from the school.
The committee would love classes to visit during the day and take advantage of all the demonstrations etc. they have to share with us.
Here is a list of what you can expect…
- Open from 10 –pm
- Working Black Smith Shop open all day.
- Demonstration at 10am/12/2pm of:
- Rope Making
- Spinning Weaving
- Handicrafts
- Washing using wash boards
- Hay baling using the old time machinery
- Stroll around the museum and look at the many items and displays they have
- There is a picnic area where they cans set up old time games such as horseshoe toss/stilts etc.
- Use the booklet I have put in each teachers pigeon holes called “Discovering the past through the Yankalilla Museum” which is a bit like a yellow brick road with information to collect and items to find.
The Committee said the Museum would be suited to all year levels.
Entry is free for students, teachers and supervising staff and volunteers.
If you would like any volunteers to help with supervision I am happy to arrange. Please let me know is you have any further questions or would like to contact Peter Filsell the contact I have for this event.
Is your teenager frequently nervous in social situations, overly worried about lots of little things, afraid to be away from you, or afraid of specific objects or situations (e.g., dogs, doing speeches at school)?
At Macquarie University, we are conducting an online study that includes a thorough assessment of anxiety concerns in adolescents 12 to 17 years. We are providing this service online via Telehealth and at no cost to families. Participants will also receive a $30 gift voucher as a thank-you for their time.
If you believe your teenager may be experiencing anxiety, please contact bddproject@mq.edu.au to out more about the project.