YAS-News Term 1 Week 5 2023
A Note from The Principal
This week staff have been involved in student led interviews. It has been an opportunity for our students to showcase their learning as well as set their learning goals for the year. Students have been working with their teachers to prepare for these conversations and we have had 250 bookings throughout the week. I look forward to hearing the feedback about these conversations and sharing it with you.
I am currently in conversations with the Department for Education and project coordinators regarding a shade structure that we are planning to commence construction of this term. The shade structure will be between the Wattle Flat and Beach house / Performing Arts buildings and will provide much needed shelter in a high traffic area during winter months.
Yesterday we had MSP photographers here for our 2023 school photos. Photo orders will be delivered to the school within 4-6 weeks of photo day.
As we enter the middle of Term 1, we have already had and still have so many exciting things going on at the school. Keep an eye on our Facebook page which is one of our main communication channels as well as the newsletter which highlights everything that is happening.
Summer may be over but let’s hope there are still plenty of sunny days to come! Enjoy your weekend.
Christine Bell
Barista Training for our successful Cockatoo Cafe applicants
Wow, what an amazing team I am going to be working with in the café this year! I am super excited to announce that the following students have applied for a position in the Cockatoo Café for 2023
Part of this wonderful program is that the students learn hospitality skills. On Thursday the 16th of February, we were fortunate to have Ben Tugwell from Fleurieu Roast in Aldinga come to YAS and conduct barista training. The students loved hearing about Ben’s passion for coffee and thoroughly enjoyed practicing making coffee for some staff members. Linda Shute gave Lilly a 9/10 for her coffee! Not bad for her first effort!
On Thursday the 23rd of February we are visiting Ben at his Fleurieu Roast business to experience first-hand the art of roasting coffee beans and learn some customer service skills.
Unfortunately, the Cockatoo Café won’t be up and running until early Term 2 as we need to practice many of the skills that are taught. Please keep an eye out for our opening date in the Newsletter and on Facebook. The café will be open every Thursday from 10am until 11:30am so we would love for you to visit and enjoy our exceptional service!
Jade Barry
(Home-Ec Coordinator)
Friday 10th March @ 12.30 in the Gym.
Parents and caregivers are invited to attend. If attending your will have to sign in at the Gym. Masks will be available and please remember to practise socail distancing.
The Myponga bus contract is currently being reviewed by the department for education. Not all forms have been returned this will now be extended until Friday 10th March 2023. The number of confirmed regular users will inform bus size for the future.
Please advise your child that all mobile phones are required to be on silent mode or will be confiscated and returned when they leave the bus.
Art Excursion to Local Church
This week the year 10 Art group had our first sketching excursion. We went to a local church, where we found a variety of interesting objects to experiment with different mediums.
We tried pencils, fine line markers and charcoal to draw different objects.
We were pretty happy with our results, although we realised we need to practise interpreting what we see, instead of trying to make an exact copy.
Year 10 Art
This week we worked with visiting artist, Niccy Pallant from Studio 26 in Forestville. We explored printmaking using leaves and flowers collected from Amaroo Farm.
We learnt that a good print involves the use of texture, fine lines and using as much of the black( positive space) as possible. We printed off an edition of 5 prints and labelled them according to fine art print labelling techniques.
We are planning to participate in the 2023 Steam roller print making event with the theme "Bike Hike Skate Scoot", where communities and organisations collaborate to create a print making masterpiece using a steam roller!
We had an excellent learning experience and check out our prints! Big thanks to Niccy.
GLA Assemblies
In the GLA we are making the most of post-Covid opportunities to hold regular assemblies, with two under our belts already. The purpose of our assemblies is to celebrate success and showcase the wonderful learning that is taking place across all areas of the curriculum. Our first assembly was successfully hosted by two of our Year 9 leaders, Madeline and Chayse. We took the opportunity to welcome and introduce new teachers and students to the Middle Years team. Our Week 4 assembly was hosted by SRC reps Ollie and Hunter in 7/8C. It proved to be a very entertaining assembly, Mr Currie’s PhotoShop skills had the audience in stitches! We introduced a special canteen voucher to be presented to students who stand out and excel in demonstrating our school expectations. Congrats to our first recipients: James, Chayse, Hazel & Harry. As the Middle Years’ leader, I have to say that I am very proud of my team and the positive culture that prevails in the GLA. Our next assembly is scheduled for week 7, parents and carers are most welcome to join us.
Amaroo Farm
We have had a great start to our learning programs at Amaroo Farm this year.
The year 10 students are engaging in a learning unit called garden to plate where they are growing, picking and cooking farm produce into healthy balanced meals. We have had Dietician Mel Steer run a workshop with the students on how to use the Australian Healthy Eating guide in their planning. In the near future the students will be preparing these meals to be available through the canteen for all students to enjoy.