YAS-News Term 2 Week 4 2023
A Note from The Principal
WOW, welcome to Week 5 – we are halfway there already! Time flies when you’re having fun that’s for sure.
On Thursday last week, we celebrated the significant contribution of our volunteers during Volunteers Week with a luncheon at the Yankalilla Hotel to say thank you.
On Friday 26th May, all staff participated in Day 2 of Restorative Practices Training. Restorative Practices is a whole school teaching and learning approach that encourages behaviour that is supportive and respectful. I was amazed that with 14 weeks between Day 1 and Day 2 of the training, our staff are in some way, incorporating this method of teaching and learning into their daily routine. The day was intensive but extremely productive.
Tomorrow I am off to Robe with our 10/11 Tourism class. I am really looking forward to spending some quality time with this group of students.
Don’t forget, our Cockatoo Café is now open to the community from 10:00-11:30am every Thursday.
We have a lot of great things happening at the moment, please keep an eye on our Facebook page for daily updates and photos. Our newsletter is another form of communication to our community and we take note of all feedback regarding how we can improve. As well as the newsletter being available on digital devices, there will be printed copies at the front office for people who prefer paper reading. The newsletter will also be emailed to all families on the day that it is published.
Reception / 1 Class
This term the Reception/ 1 classes have been busy connecting with the Kindy students. The receptions were lucky enough to have a visit over to Kindy earlier in the term. The students loved reconnecting with the space and having the kindy students show them around. Then it was our turn, we had the kindy students visit for National Simultaneous Story time. We completed an activity that really showed our leadership skills and our school values.
4-5 Bahasa Indonesia
Last week we did our first "skut" translation activity. We all wrote a sentence describing our friends in Indonesian and then 'skutted' around writing each other's sentences on our recording sheets and translating them. In Skut, you are completing against yourself, trying to do as many translations as you can in the set time limit. We had some fantastic sentences about our friends in year 4 and 5. Pandai!(clever)
Yr 11-12 Tourism Camp
On Monday the 15th May, the Year 11 and 12 Tourism students went to Kuitpo Tree Climb.
After being equipped with their harnesses and helmets they undertook the safety demonstration before spending 2 hours climbing up amongst the tree-tops on the 4 Grand courses that are available at the Kuitpo Tree Climb. They then got to spend some time to speak to Harrison, the assistant manager, about the planning and construction of the site and how Tree Climb adherers to its principals of sustainability and adventure.
It was a great day had by all and a big thank you goes out to Graham Alexander who supported the students on the day.
Yr 2-3 Class
Our 2-3A class have been engaged in deep learning, researching sloths in the Primary Library with their teacher, Ms Betts
Yr 9 International Studies
We have been exploring daily routines and chores that we do at home and finding out if the jobs are similar in our sister school. We created a script in Indonesian which had to include set vocabulary. Different groups created conversations using the focus language in different situations, a hassled Dad who couldn't be bother cooking and headed to McDees, some of the teachers at school trying to find out who had finished their homework and other work, a boss who was very particular about things being completed and students who were studying or too lazy do study. It was a great way to see the vocabulary being used in different situations, demonstrating understanding of the concepts covered.
We are now working on researching and creating an infographic highlighting the UN Sustainable Development Goal 5 - Gender Equality, particularly unpaid work and care.
Rotation Drama
This rotation we are exploring and responding to all things Drama, developing our practice and skills particularly in stage use and direction, presenting and performing short unscripted plays.
In groups, we have created short performances based on well-known stories. We were challenged to provide a different "fix" to the endings. Our performances include "Shrek", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Cinderella"(recently adapted from "The Frog Prince") and " The 3 Little Pigs", and there are some very interesting and creative fixes!
In the past couple of lessons, we have also been experimenting with costumes and observed that a costume that fits the storyline makes it easier to act the part of a character. In particular, Shrek's fat belly made it easier to walk like an ogre!